The first step is to make a batch of sugar water. It's super easy and tastes a million times better than a sprinkle of sugar in the bottom of the glass. I make several cups at a time so I can have it sitting in the refrigerator when I'm ready for it but you can make as much or as little as you want.
Add 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of water to a pot over medium high heat. I actually do about 4 cups at a time to last me a while (keep any extra in the refrigerator in a easy pour container, I use a sports water bottle!). The point here is to melt the sugar into the water to make a thick syrupy liquid. My mom just cooks it until it looks good, without bringing it to a boil. I like to heat it until I get a few good bubbles and then turn the heat down, stirring frequently, until the texture is nice and thick. It's basically fool proof as long as you stir it often. Once it's ready put it in your container of choice and refrigerate until cold. Or something close to cold if you are as impatient as I am!
Grab your ingredients, light rum, a measuring cup, sugar water, mint leaves (washed and dried), club soda and a muddler (both not pictured here).
Throw 11 or so mint leaves and a large lime wedge in the bottom of your glass. I love my mason jar glasses, they are pretty and the perfect size and shape for mixed drinks. Muddle it all together, I squeeze the lime juice in before I start this step to make sure it's nice and limey.
Add 2 oz. of light rum and 2 oz. of your sugar water, fill glass with ice and then add club soda (just fill the remaining space, whatever room is left is the right amount of room!).
Stir well making sure to get your mint leaves dispersed throughout the glass, garnish with a sprig of mint and enjoy! I can't drink without a straw but I guess that's not in the official recipe.
Pretty isn't it? Please note that tonic water isn't a good substitute if you run out of club soda before you're done getting your drink on (I learned the hard way!). Also, if you have kids that like a special drink or you want some mint goodness without the alcohol just omit that portion of the recipe for a yummy virgin mojito.
If you aren't growing your own mint then you need to get on that ASAP! It's almost effortless and will grow like CRAZY! I keep mine on a hot cement patio so I have it in almost full shade and water frequently. I'm telling you guys I cannot believe how much mint there is in my tiny little pot. I used tons for dinner and then enough for several drinks and you can't even tell I've touched the thing.
Fresh Mint Mojito
2 oz. light rum
2oz. sugar water
lime wedge
11 (or more) mint leaves
club soda
Squeeze juice of a large lime wedge in the bottom of an empty glass. Throw remaining wedge and mint leaves in and muddle together. Pour in sugar water and rum. Fill glass with ice and pour club soda until you reach the top. Stir well, enjoy, and repeat!
P.S. If you are having a party and want to make a big batch just use this recipe x4 (for an average sized container). Everyone loves a mojito!
My mint isn't enough to make mojitos, but everytime I go to my parents house they are making them with all of their wild mint! Such a yummy treat!
Yum!!! Thanks for sharing. Here's another drink up your alley: A Green Lizard. Put in blender- vodka, ice, mint leaves and half a can of frozen limeade concentrate. Delish! :)
Jess that sounds SOOOO good. I will be trying it this weekend for sure!
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